When the Creator is not enough, story of initial Gods

Before our Brahamanda (Galaxy) was created by Brahma. There were a few entities called Swayambhu. Swayambhu means one who originated spontaneously, they exist without parentage. Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu are considered few of them, many of them have no relevance to us so we forgot them.

Initially, Brahma was more powerful than any other god. He was described as Golden, shiny and full of life. Once he began the formation of Brhamanda, he didn’t stop till he lost it all. He poured all of his life force into his creation. He lost his lustre and life. He was shown as an old man. He still possessed enough power but not comparable to that of other Swayambhus.

Once he finished, a group of Gods ruled over the creation. These Gods were called Prajapatis. Pajapati means lord of lesser beings. (Actual meaning is lord of Praja = beings.) Now these beings unanimously chose Brahma as their ruler because of respect and realization that he was the one who truly created and holds it all.

Few Prajapatis were Swayambhus and few were created by Brahma, even the created beings who were created by Brahma like Prajapati Daksha had enough power to create entities by his own will. These Prajapati had their ways and dominion. They must not be taken as a uniform group of entities, they were powerful and very different in their understanding and approach towards creation. Post-creation events some Prjapatis were even more powerful than Brahma.

The story proceeded and newer beings did not readily accept the rule of Brahma. They sought power and other Prajapati were offering more than Brahma. The system was showing cracks in the structure of the hierarchy. Nobody is devoid of pettiness. Brahma had a few problems and he challenged Vishnu and lost the challenge. Along with the challenge he lost his respect and status too. Prajapatis were divided now. Vishnu became a separate ruler and certain beings started to worship him individually. Brahma had a life-changing event he took a backseat. Nobody can deny that Brahma is the father but it must also be realized that people will even forget their father if they want to. The throne of Brahma was succeded by the rule of Daksha Prajapati.

Let us understand the character of Brahma. Brahma is the god of creation and father to almost all of the entities. He creates the Brahamanda but let’s understand that he does not do it out of responsibility but out of his natural impulses. It is his nature to create like it is the nature of a bird to tweet. He is also not the supreme knower. When Brhamarishi Vashsith (sage) was going through the understanding and invocation of Mahavidhya Tara, he was not able to guide him properly. Nature is not the creation of Brahma, Brahma just shaped the available Shakti to take a particular form. Even that too is done within the rules of nature, he can not supercede the rules of nature.

The cracks in the union of Prjapatis were evident post-Brahma’s rule. Vishnu and Shiva were being worshipped separately. Daksha held a grudge against Shiva/Rudra/Bhairava (or someone, Vedas and Puranas have an ambiguity towards the definition of Rudra). Daksha held Shiva/Rudra/Bhairava responsible for the disrespect and downfall of his father Brahma. Events happened and even Daksha’s throne fell. It was also the point where evident violence happened between Prajapatis. Daksha could very well be the Goat-faced deceiver, the beast, of the Abrahamic faiths. We do not know what happened to Daksha after that. Some evidence is there in Hindu society of his downfall. The people with clan names as Prajapati lost their status in the social hierarchy. Some other communities like carpenters, potters and masons too lost their status in the social hierarchy, when Brahma fell. It must also be noted Daksha was the first God to differentiate beings based on power, type and existence. He was the first one to ride around a palanquin carried by humans, not animals. He was one of the first to have this classification of superiority and inferiority. The end of his rule

Now the era of projeny of Daksha came. These became the Anupalakas, Kshetrapalas and Lokpalas. These are titles of nobility like those in a Kingdom, like duke, marquess, earl, viscount, baron, etc. Lokpala is a ruler of a dimension, it is a separate world. Lokpala distributes his responsibility amongst Kshetrapalas (Rulers of the big regions – countries and continents) and further, it is distributed amongst Grampalas (Ruler of Villages/City). These entities share their rules with shared responsibilities. These Gods serve as guidance to rulers and common humans. These beings also give rise to different cultures and religions across the planet. They call themselves angles, Devta, etc and they even could prefer to exist faceless and nameless.

The Prajapatis had some sync and understanding of others. Even today the higher Lokpalas have some coordination but lower ones are mostly ignorant and fight for their throne and status. They come from an ancient cycle of hate and ignorance. Some of these are even considered demons by others. Two brothers of the Daitiya lineage named Hiranyakashyapa and Hiranyaksha tried to attack the domain of Vishnu. Their names translate as creator and holder of the Brahamanda, respectively. They were defeated by Vishnu. It is to be observed that these beings are Godly to us but they are not Godly to one another. Vishnu is considered one of the Swayambhus and the two entities mentioned above are the third lineage of the initial gods. Now with every lineage the power of God decreases but here Hiranyakashyapa and Hiranyaksh considered themselves to be powerful enough to challenge the domain of one of the first Swayambhus. Is it either ignorance, vengeance or just foolish, I can’t say that but it is certainly daring.

We must also understand that our literature narrates our side of the story. Daitya Kula is one of the eight major Kula. You can not eliminate them. I am in the position that the problem must be eradicated from the roots. I have made advances in the direction that if Diti is evil then why not just end her? This is a foolish idea that I used to have. These Asta Matrika are the physical manifestation of fundamental Shaktis, one can not wish them away. Your energy system has her signature, you can not eliminate her without mutilating your own body and energy system.

Your very own body is evidence of these Gods’ existence. These Gods flow through your breath and serve as the base reality of our existence. These Gods do not need your constant worship to remind them of their Godhood. Brahma, whether you acknowledge him or not, he will exist in the very base of your existence. He doesn’t want your worship, he is a reality that awaits your discovery. A tree remains a tree and does not need a constant reminder of its existence. It is only the modern God that constantly needs to be pampered with prayer. These modern Gods that proclaim that “I am the one and only true god”, remember that same words were used by Hiranyakashyapa. His limbs were separated from the body like twigs from a branch. There are ancient realities which must not be trifled with even these do not care for your worship or acknowledgement. They exist like the air which is always around us. If the air is removed, these Gods, realities, goals, ambitions and life itself will fail. No Palakas could ever supersede the fundamental reality.