The Relationship between Entities

Once the god of creation Brahma was asked, “Please tell us, what is the relationship between divine beings and humans.” He replied that “the relationship is similar to the relationship that that any two individual beings have.” He explained that “the relationship is transactional, you give us the gods tribute using ritual sacrifices (Homa/Hawan), and in turn, we bless you all with manifesting your material desires.” He did not honey coat his words. According to him, everything was simple, you give us things and you get things in return.

Even though the stories are quite simple, Indra of the Puranic versions fights to serve his purpose. He fights for his kingdom and his gains. He kills his half-brother in a fight for dominance. The text states that he killed Vritrasura to free his possession of water element. Vritrasura, being a son of the elemental mother of water Danu, had his right to possess the water element. Humans (Hindus), who gave their homa to Indra, were not given the right to water as the homa was not given to Vritrasura. So, Indra attacked Vritrasura to protect his domain and nothing else. Evil is a myth; everyone is serving their purpose.

The powerless serve whoever is powerful. It is the way of the world. The gods that you serve might not be the gods for someone else. The demons might be the gods for someone else. The dogs will fight for their masters even if the master is evil for the rest of the world. People want to deny the hierarchy of existence but it is a futile process. There will always be rich and poor, good and bad, masters and servers, “affluent people” and “savages.” Classes and hierarchies shall forever exist. We can make this world accessible but we won’t be able to make the world equal. Being civilized simply honours the hierarchy, laughing together, and respecting personal boundaries. Remember you will have to conform to this reality, if anything breaches this hierarchy there shall be strife. If you wish to live in peace know your position in this existence.

Stating all of that always remember you are allowed to work on yourself. Know your existence supersedes the will of the mighty. Very few beings truly want to help you. Most of the time there is always an ulterior motive. The celestials, do not wish to help you, they are there to serve their purposes. Do not believe in the things which stand in the darkness. A door opens both ways. If your God can see you, you shall also be able to see your god. If you are serving your gods with your faith, you must be able to see them. You must be able to understand their motives you must be able to see what they are.

Do not trust, the world is selfish. Being an individual being, your existence for you is the highest. Do not die for a land, cause, or a god. Serve, but your purpose. Before being completely selfish, first, try to understand the higher purpose. I am not the prophet to tell you what the higher purpose is. It is a discovery you shall have to discover on your own. Don’t be a sheep, the shepherd shall take your wool and meat if he wants to. Shepherd shall protect you in his capacity but he shall throw you to the wolf if his own life is at stake.

These words are not for simple-minded people and I am not a master who shall guide you. I’m just a fellow traveller who is telling you the bridge ahead is broken. You have the right to go on that path and discover for yourself. Open your eyes and realize, they are not going to facilitate your higher calling. They are there for their own goals and you are here to discover your existence. I am just trying to remove their clothes and blindfold off your eyes.

Let the sheep and shepherds be, and realize your own goals.