The truth shall continue to exist whether you believe in it or not

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Unverified stories of belief are bad for the society. In Vedic Hinduism, everything is classified. Humans are classified in varna, horses are classified, Gods are classified, deities are classified, entities are classified and even Vedas themselves are classified. In Vedic understanding, nobody can claim to be absolute authority. In Hindu history, there were entities like Hiranyakashyapa, who claimed to be absolute authority. It was his Mada or we can even say that he was Mada-Masta in his power. Later he was dismembered by another deity.

Today Allah of the Quran claims that. “La ilaha Illallah”, translates as there is no other god other than Allah. Children are made to chant it. There is no questioning of the absolute authority of Allah and Islam. It is a shirk to even think against the absolute authority of Allah. I am not saying that Allah is not the most powerful, Allah could be the most powerful but who are these entities like Shiva and Vishnu who are contesting against his title? If you are a true Muslim then you must find out the nature of these beings. Just saying that these entities are inferior Gods or imposters will not work. You must have the sight and ability to understand these beings.

When a person does not allow the authority to subjugate their vision then suddenly human kingdoms and heavenly kingdoms crumble.

I know about these states of possession by entities, divine inspiration, talking in tongues, holy spirit invitation, etc. These things are the very things for which Christianity opposed pagans. The word Pagan is a word of hate against anyone who does not unquestioningly accept the father of the lord. The same thing is with the Quran, the prophet discourages questioning. There is an element of questioning in the Old Testament and even people always look at the vengeful and jealous god.

The olden literature accepted the existence of other entities but the new literature doesn’t even want you to look in that direction. Doubt became a sin. Doesn’t it look like propaganda or subjugation literature? Miracles and grace are temporary and subjugation becomes permanent. Let’s say you won the significant lottery by praying, it made your faith strong. Now it is not hard for these entities to do it but just because of a few pennies your life became a tool for their use. You might even become their witness and advertise their authority to humans. If I ask someone the proof of his belief and the person says, “Well I won the lottery in 2007.” Am I not supposed to question the stupidity of the situation?

Biggest of the frauds is the concept of Omni and shape-shifting. The initial literature has shown that the god is vengeful and vindictive. Suddenly the same god delivers a child into the womb of an unsuspecting woman and he turns into the gracious and goodwilled creator of all. Isn’t it suspicious to you? This shape shifting is like morden concept of brand building. There might be evil involved in the very functioning of the system but multiple mechanisms are involved to hide the truth. Omnipotence and omnipresence are the selling points of god but are these verifiable?

Olden literature narrates many gods. There were religions and civilizations formed across those. Where are they now and what ensures that our gods won’t suffer the same fate?

In my understanding, the Hebrew god, the god of the Bible and the god of the Quran are different entities which used to work together under the same name. Later due to disputes they went their ways and started their separate ventures on this planet.

Anything that takes refuge in belief and authority is to be looked upon with doubt and if something hides in the fear of hell and reward of heaven must be approached with utmost caution.

I do not believe that everything can be understood by the human system. A cow can not be made to learn calculus. Similarly, there are dimensions which are out of the human consciousness. If a particular literature takes you like a child teaches you the language of the trade and then allows you to explore. It could be a good one. If it allows you to become something more than a human then only allow it to have some authority over you but the claims must be validated by acid test. There is also this point that just like we utilise the cattle and the animal kind, these higher beings will also utilise us. The dog of the Hitler does not know he is defending the Hitler. He just defends him. We will be used till our skin and bone are used up. The “divine” betrayal is the worst of all.

Finally for these titles like theist and atheist. Honestly, your opinions do not matter. The truth that exists will continue to exist, regardless of your belief. Even my vision does not matter unless it makes sense to you. I am just putting my points out there for consideration.