For some vengeance is more important than solace, story of Karma and Kama

In a time unknown there was an entity named Baghiratha. During his spiritual journey, he found out that there were sixty thousand of his ancestors stuck in the nether realm. He realised that he couldn’t progress any further spiritually without managing them.

Karma has multiple sources, some of which you are born with. Collection of previous lives. Some are inherited from the blood you are born in. Some are given to you by nature to set up your story. Some you do and there are results. While others are just random. There are words like Sanchita (acquired), Prarabdha (destined), etc to define these. So, it’s not always your doing. If the womb you were born from was not strong enough to sustain you, well then you would not have been born the best you could have been.

If we say that the universe has a beginning and an end then what made the first king a king and the first beggar a beggar? Since there was no Karma to begin with. If the first beggar was created a beggar and a king was also made a king then nature is not impartial. These questions are avoided by the people who use the word Karma just to sound mystical and deep. Some others believe that the universe is continuous and neither has an end nor a beginning. I have not reached a point to affirm either of the claims.

What I know is that I do not wish to be shackled in the Karma system. See, I have been in the depths of my existence. I had been in both divine and evil states. I have found that both of these intentions exist within me. I have seen people who would not even hurt a mosquito and I have seen people planning to rape. I do not distinguish between the two. Just like a monk, I have a possibility to become divine and just like a rapist, I have seen bad intentions inside of me. I do not understand the dichotomy of good and evil. These are the properties of my existence and either could be exhibited. My desires will definite what I will choose.

Nothing could truly be evil. Even Hitler had to take refuge in a religion before systematically killing Jews. Similarly, nothing could be completely divine either. I feel surrendering love and murderous hate towards the same person. So whom am I to judge a monk or a murderer?

Bagiratha did something that was never done before, he called a celestial power called Ganga and in an instant she freed his 60,000 ancestors. Even a load of one ancestor can create significant harm and his load of such magnitude is unimaginable.

I did a similar practice on a smaller magnitude. There were many massacres which are lost in time. There are curses and boons for which the memories are lost in time. These all sins and virtues run in our blood. If one needs to go further, either we avoid them or encounter them. If we avoid them, we will have to sacrifice much and if we encounter them, we will have to relieve the memories lost to time. Many times when people talk about taking away or dissolution of Karma, most of the time they are talking about avoiding or closing the gates of that Karma. We can forget the past but the past never forgets. Houses are burning and we have chosen to close the door and the day the same fire reaches our house the closed doors will make it a coffin. The selective choices of ignorance and disassociation are bad. I feel that we must always encounter and manage the past.

So I chose to encounter the past. I took a vessel full of Ganga Jal and gave it to the spirits of those who were vengeful. They resisted the peace that I offered and wanted vengeance against their foes. We the successors of both the killers and the killed have forgotten the history but the ancestors live in their states. The ancestors took me the same as their enemy because I was the one hindering their Kama (desire) towards vengeance. Kama is to be managed before Karma.

Now, I do a little foretelling. We have already crossed a point of no returning in the Gregorian year 2019 and the world will burn even more. There is a time when all creditors and debtors are made to settle their bills and now, we have come to that point. Killers and killed will change roles. We do not have much choice. Roles will invert. Poles will invert. The choices that we have are only about the things we will do after the settling event. The past must be settled to make the future come alive. Settlement is not about debtors and creditors changing roles. It is about zero balance. We can not avoid or dissolve Karma, it must always be managed.

During the settlement event. Either we could continue the story, killed become the killers? Or we take the better path and forgive them? Third and the best option is to ignore the settlement event and be neutral and I do not see this happening. The vengeful will take vengeance. There are some type of methods which could be used to dissolve Karma but many will choose to stay what they are. Sometimes people prefer pain and misery over better alternatives.