Nature of knowledge of Vedas and why Vedas can not be read

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Vedas can not be read because Vedas means knowledge, not a book. Historically Vedas were never written down, those were passed from Gurus to Sishyas. Later for some reason, the Vedas were inscribed in written form.

The approach of science is external and the approach of Veda is internal. Let me try to explain this point using an explanation of the working hand. Physiological science will explain everything thing from bone, muscle, neurons, etc to explain the functioning of a hand. It takes a hand externally and then tries to understand it. Whereas, Vedas will take a hand to be holistically a product of natural systems. It is not concerned about the functioning of the hand rather it is more about the existence of the hand. It will answer you why and how the hand exists. It is a realisation rather than a fact-finding mission.

Understanding the Vedas is an experiential journey instead of a training kind of scenario. You will not get a skill instead you will become more capable of grasping a skill. If calculus was hard for you and took years for you to understand it. It will come to you within hours, if not just instantaneously. This is what you get after years of effort into Vedas. This leads us to understanding the intention of the Vedas.

Veda is a container of Vidhya. Vidhya is knowledge. The sole goal of Vedas is to increase the capacity of beings. The deities mentioned in the Vedas are different from Puranic literature. The Vedic deities are inside you, you are made out of them. The Vedic deities are the fabric of reality. In Vedas, Indra is the highest. According to Vedas Indra is someone who has control over his Gyanendri and Kramendri, organs of senses and organs of actions respectively. This meaning is not different from the Jainism concept of Jeenendra. The highest authority in Jainism is Teerthankar and that person has a victory on his Indris (both ththeenses). At a later age, Indra becomes something like a joke, a deity fighting for the throne of Swarga Loka. It is most probably a deity without eligibility usurping the title of Indra. Agni is the first word used in the Vedas. Now Agni is translated as fire or a deity with power over fire but my understanding of Agni is the element that makes everything move. Without Agni there is nothing and that is the reason why Agni is the first word in Vedas.

There are layers and layers of understanding in the understanding of Vedas. Many times a seeker will need the help of a guru too. An individual will need help to understand the dimensions that are naturally unperceivable to the human system. The human body is not capable of doing some things on its own. The guru is not always a human and now we come to the entities and the nature of entities in Vedas.

In Veidic understanding, life is taken unfragmented. A deity, a human, an animal, and other types of beings and beings which do not even interact with the human world, all are just taken as individuals. The classification is there but sometimes it’s very hard to determine what is interacting with what. The scope is not finite either. The fantasies interact with reality and things are quite wild.

Finally, let’s discuss ritualism. The Vedas share the knowledge with Tantra. Tantra is a play of Shakti. There are two fields of knowledge, Aagam and Nigam. Both of these words translate as something hard to reach. These two go hand in hand. While Vedas are more civilizational in nature and aim to harmonize the planes of existence. Tantra focuses on exploration.

Ritualism comes from the realisation that morality and description are not enough and sometimes actions are needed. The entities are given their due and we get things in return. A carefully curated part of Tantra enters into Vedas. The selected deities are given their dues and in turn, they help us. The higher-order being sees us as we see our cattle. The difference is just that, that we are civil. They must be paid their dues. The modern man could understand these rituals but first, we need to understand the alphabet before even planning to write words or meaningful sentences. We need to take baby steps before running. Vedas will come very slowly to you. It requires time, it is like a vintage malt. Sometimes, your hairs go white before you even taste the first drop of it.

The modern mind is trained to see the spiritual world as a topic of inferior minds. I will not comment on how it happens but a modern man considers the old knowledge as a joke. He either considers it as mumbo jumbo in his supiriority complex or he is threatened by something out of his understanding and tries to evade it by shielding himself from the possibility of the existence of it. Humans are not the highest point in the flow of nature. In some aspects, we are the higher one but in my journey, I have met more powerful and more sensible beings. For us the part-time is random, we can not estimate the wars or the share market.  For them, the time is very estimated. They lose interest in money and control but higher things interest them.

In conclusion, Veidic knowledge is written but not experienced in words. It requires lifetimes to understand the Vedas and unlike worldly knowledge, the Vedas travel with you. You will restart your progress even if you die. These are not truly lost. Vedas flow in your blood.