The “Super Secrets” of Fanatics, intellectuals spare us your atheistic morality

I went to a movie called article 370. In a scene the actress passionately read out the dialogue that “the problem is of politics and money.” No ma’am/sir the problem is of religious domination. Money and politics are subsets of the main problem. Till you are even capable and bold enough to address the actual problem, you won’t be solving anything. You are applying blam to knee for the fractured skull. Let me explain this specifically to people like you. Please spare us the pseudo-morality.

What do these religious text (Bible, Quran, Scientology, Geeta to name a few) obsessed readers have something in common?

  • They have read their respective text several times.
  • They create extended if not different meanings and interpretations every time they iterate the process.
  • Every time they read it, they feel there is still more secrets to be discovered.
  • They believe that they will reach a secret that was left undiscovered by several generations and millions of readers before them.
  • They find a higher calling and purpose of life in these texts.
  • Over time, these texts fry the mind enough that people tend to find quantum physics embedded in these texts.
  • It also gives a sense of supiriority, grouping and distinction.
  • Rarely, some of the humans do have a spiritual epiphany. Some will have it, most will have a psychological breakdown.

The human mind can not be contained and when one book becomes a source of authority over the human mind, it leaves the human mind impaired. Finally, a person feels that the divine wisdom that one receives must be delivered to the world. Some are ready to listen but most are not. Others have their own beliefs.

“How could the surrounding inferior minds possess different views and how dare they claim they could reach my level of realisation? They must be shown the truth and light.”  These views leads to missionary organisations.

The Geeta was not able to inspire the person it was intended for, Arjuna. How could you understand the Geeta, when Arjuna who received the knowledge first hand did not believe in it? Krishna was forced to use his supernatural abilities and showed his celestial form to force Arjuna to abide by his plan.

Any organisation offering heaven, god, infinity, alien heaven, immortality, monetary support, etcetera for your support and belief is a cult of fanatics. If the reward does not inspire you then they try the tactic of fear on you. Heaven offers different packages and treats but hell is always a punishing pit of torture.

Real God is like air and water available to all and everywhere. If someone is offering something special that is available no where else. It is a fraud. The only son of God, the last prophet, the selected one, a group of the selected one, all of these titles of exclusivity are used by grand con schemes.

If you join these organisations, you are dedicating your life to a “higher cause.” You will be discouraged by questions and even if the questioning is allowed, it will be bounded by a certain frame set. The biggest way to find a person of such affiliation is often the greetings and departing salutations. You say hi or bye and they reply with “Hail Mary”, “Namakharam”, “Jai Guru Dev”, etcetera. These salutations are not linguistically inherited rather people either pick them up or people are constantly corrected to do so.

All religions are cults posing as culture. I say it because there is always a barrier between humans and god and that barrier is crossed by faith, love and devotion only. There is no finite time and specific method to get to god. They want you to spread their mission. There will be a day when there will be no more empty minds to follow the empty sermons and on that day the cults will collide. My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friends.

One day in the Islamic world, a man spat in the air and said I am spitting at Allah. He was mob lynched. Neither the spit reached Allah nor anybody was sure that Allah resided in the direction where the spit was going. The revenge of Allah is taken by humans who have never encountered Allah. When a belief becomes so firm, it will always lead to suicide bombers. These are the super missionaries. “You shall seize to exist, if you do not believe in my way. We will wait to get our rewards in heaven but you must go to hell now.”

Now coming back to politics. The politics of humans is petty. The politics of the spiritual world is vile, wide and continual. The world of humans is a playground for them. We are to them like cattle is to us. We are given just enough knowledge to know the curated story. We are fed so that we could fight their mission. Miracle for one, serve inspiration to millions and millions await their pain to be reduced. Instead they become tools to God and their messengers.

An atheist and I are stable enough to not die for a god but the person who wants to kill us for his god is right outside our door. What will you do then? When a mob forms, it is made up of a uniting ideology or there is an segregating identity of intended victims. Yes, there is money, political support and even divine inspiration involved.

Don’t underestimate reach of fanaticism and spiritual politics either. It “inspires” doctors, engineers and scientists. The tools and knowledge of years enable these highly functional individuals to plan better to serve the higher cause.

Let me clarify a few things. In my understanding, the Gods and other entities are as real as any human being is. Their intentions and their identity help me to understand who they are. If you don’t believe in the domain of god and you want to direct the actual issue towards “money and politics” for your greater sense of morality and secularism then one day you or your lineage shall pay for your ignorance. Fanaticism is rampant these days, it is even socially enabled where overly accepting people are present. Grooming gangs are “part and parcel of modern society.”

I do not wish to live in a society where I could be harmed because of some “higher goal.” I have the right to exist and no god, belief, community or law have precedence over my life.