The “Super Secrets” of Fanatics, intellectuals spare us your atheistic morality

I went to a movie called article 370. In a scene the actress passionately read out the dialogue that “the problem is of politics and money.” No ma’am/sir the problem is of religious domination. Money and politics are subsets of the main problem. Till you are even capable and bold enough to address the actualContinue reading “The “Super Secrets” of Fanatics, intellectuals spare us your atheistic morality”

What is God to you?

I was a cocky teenager. I used to make provocative statements and lived in a world of grand narratives. Sometimes, I dreamt of true harmony because we were brought up utopianists with extreme Gandhian morality as our standard. The problem people like us is that we live in our heads. If the content of ourContinue reading “What is God to you?”

The Relationship between Entities

Once the god of creation Brahma was asked, “Please tell us, what is the relationship between divine beings and humans.” He replied that “the relationship is similar to the relationship that that any two individual beings have.” He explained that “the relationship is transactional, you give us the gods tribute using ritual sacrifices (Homa/Hawan), andContinue reading “The Relationship between Entities”